I added St. Germain to a glass of champagne and garnished it with a strip of orange rind. For a simple cocktail, the taste is quite sophisticated and unusual. There are all sorts of cocktail ideas on the St. Germain website and I look forward to trying them all while imagining some French guy picking elderflower blossoms in the cool mountain air.
For 1 cocktail:
- 1/2 ounce St. Germain
- Champagne or Sparkling Wine
- Orange Rind for garnish
Add the St. Germain to a champagne glass, pour the champagne over it, garnish with the orange rind. Simple, chic, very French.
I concur; these are awesome cocktails. Our friends, Kate and Martin, regularly serve these at their parties and the fourth one goes down as easily as the first.
Hi Erin!
I'm coming over from A Duck In Her Pond. I loved reading your spotlight!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Erin, this sounds intriguing. I'm eager to try either the concentrate or the liqueur. I already know I love a teaspoon of rosewater in a glass of ice water or in sugar syrup for dessert, so I think elderflower needs to be my next discovery.
I've never tried this, the bottle looks like perfume :) I'll have to keep an eye out for it on my next trip to the store, thanks for the introduction!
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