Thursday, December 3, 2009

Adult Eggnog

'Tis the season for boozy holiday drinks! When I was growing up, I loved eggnog. My idea of sweet, thick, yellow eggnog was a bit shattered when one of my neighbors started giving my mom a bottle of her own homemade variety. I had a small sip and gasped at the burning alcohol taste. Blech! I couldn't understand why anyone would ruin one of my favorite holiday treats.

Tastes change of course and several years ago I started making my own "adult" eggnog based on a Rick Rodgers recipe and actually scaled back on the amount of booze that he uses. Depending on your preference you can increase or decrease the amount of alcohol but beware, this is a dangerous concoction. Luckily, it's rich enough from the cream and eggs that it keeps one from overdoing it. Sometimes.

The quality of alcohol is very important here. The nog will taste harsh if the cheap stuff is used. I go with Bacardi Special Dark Rum, Knob Creek Bourbon or a good Irish whiskey, and whatever decent type of brandy I have on hand.

For about 2 quarts:

  • 6 pasteurized eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 quart heavy cream
  • 2 cups half & half
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup brandy
  • 3/4 cup dark rum
  • 1/3 cup bourbon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

In the bowl of a mixer, combine the eggs and sugar. Beat on high for a couple minutes until thick and creamy. With the mixer on low, add the heavy cream, half & half, vanilla, brandy, rum, bourbon, and nutmeg.

Pour the egg nog into a large pitcher and chill overnight. It will keep, refrigerated, for 2 days. Garnish with a sprinkling of additional nutmeg, if desired.


  1. Yum! We've been downing eggnog around here. What a nice way to drink it after the kiddos are in bed ;).

  2. Here's my favorite way to enjoy adult eggnog: add vanilla vodka and spiced rum. I usually add a little more vanilla vodka than spiced rum, but that's me.

  3. I adore eggnog. And this recipe looks great . I need to make some.
