Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cantaloupe Ginger Sorbet

I don't feel quite right about eating any sort of melon until summer arrives, but since we've had a couple decidedly warm days up here in Minnesota, I relented and came home with a couple cantaloupes.

A few years ago, I made a batch of cantaloupe sorbet because I thought it might resurrect an otherwise bland and lackluster melon. It worked! Since then, I have made variations on this sorbet many times, and with a perfect tasting cantaloupe, it's even better. The ginger infuses the sorbet with a heated zing and adds a sort of exotic flavor note. The Ginger Syrup is actually good for many things...stir a bit into some iced tea, drizzle over fruit or yogurt, or pour it over a warm cake.

As with all sorbets, things need to get started well in advance since all the ingredients must be very cold. I typically just plan on starting things the night before. If all the ingredients aren't chilled, the ice cream maker isn't going to be happy with you.

For the Ginger Simple Syrup:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1½ -2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger (and juice)

In a small saucepan, combine all the ingredients over high heat and let the mixture come to a full boil, stirring now and again. Allow the syrup to boil for about a minute, making certain the sugar is fully dissolved. Pour the syrup through a fine-meshed sieve into a measuring cup and place in the fridge to chill thoroughly.

For about a quart of sorbet:

  • 4 cups of chunked cantaloupe, chilled
  • ¼ cup of cold water
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 cup of Ginger Simple Syrup
  • 1-2 tablespoons vodka (I had ginger flavored vodka so I used that)

In a food processor, add the cantaloupe, water and lemon juice. Process for about a minute until very smooth. Pour the mixture through a sieve and measure out 2 cups of puree. Stir in the cup of Ginger Simple Syrup.

Place the mixture in an ice cream maker and let it do it's thing. Towards the end, when the mixture is almost done, pour in the vodka while the machine is running. The alcohol keeps the sorbet from freezing into a solid block. Transfer to a quart-sized container and freeze, or if you don't mind a softer texture, grab a spoon and have at it.