Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby Forellenschuss

I was poking around the vegetable garden beds, getting them ready for planting and noticed, to my delight, baby lettuces that had apparently reseeded themselves from last year. In the three years that we have had our garden, this is the first time this has occurred. There are lots of little lettuces poking through the soil and I couldn't be happier about it.

The lettuce that is particularly near and dear to my heart is an Austrian Romaine called Forellenschuss. It is an heirloom variety that has become a favorite of ours for its mottled green and red leaves and sturdiness against the hot, midwest heat. We start it from seeds we got from Seed Savers, an organization I cannot recommend enough.

Out of all the things we grow in our garden, I have a strong fondness for lettuces. They are typically easy to grow, I love going out and clipping different varieties for a salad, and growing unusual varieties, like Forellenschuss, prove to be welcome gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!!! Nothing touts spring (and eventual summer) like fresh seedlings. Good luck!!!
