Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The First Sign of Spring

One week ago I was standing at the bus stop, the wind was howling right through me and I was wondering for the billionth time this Winter why I live in the Midwest. When the wind chill is -20 and the actual temperature is -5, there are no comforting answers to that question.

Oh, but fickle Minnesota went ahead and decided to have a 50 degree jump in temperature in just one week's time. Yesterday when I was out enjoying the unfamiliar warmth, something caught my eye...something GREEN. Hallelujah! At least the chives think it's warm enough to wake up and show themselves. And no, I will not consider the fact that a blizzard could still descend upon me at any moment. I simply refuse to believe it.

These chives were planted in our yard 3 years ago and have always flourished. My love for chives is strong, and I absolutely prefer them to scallions. I adore the green, subtle onion flavor, the slight crunch, and the myriad ways there are to use them.

In case you also have chive-love, here are some tasty-sounding recipes:

1 comment:

  1. Chive flowers are one of my all-time favorite garnishes.
