Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chèvre Cream Frosting

After I made Cajeta, I really liked the idea of using goat's milk in other sweet ways. Its tang adds a nice balance to sugary items and since everyone likes frosting (don't tell me otherwise), I thought that a chèvre frosting might just be the thing. I say this emphatically, it was G-O-O-D.

The nice folks at Stickney Hill were clever enough to sell a Honey Chèvre at my local store which I am certain was meant to be whipped into a creamy, delectable frosting. I didn't want to scare people off with the goat thing, so I halved it with cream cheese and the resulting mix was just right. I suspect if I could have kept quiet and not told anyone who would listen that it was a frosting made with goat cheese, a few people wouldn't have known.

The cupcakes themselves are a very nice spice cake from the Joy of Cooking. The recipe doesn't appear here because I didn't change it up at all and besides, if a copy of Joy isn't on your shelf at this very moment, well, that is just a sad state of affairs that I hope you will remedy. The Chef and I have 3 copies of Joy--one from the 50's, one from the 90's, and the latest one that came out a couple years ago. Yeah, that's nuts, I realize.

I knew this recipe was one I would make again because after the cupcakes were frosted, I got out a spatula, thoroughly scraped the inside of the bowl picking up any frosting remnants and ate a semi-giant dollop of it with delight.

For about 2 cups of frosting:

  • 1 cup Confectioner's Sugar
  • 4 ounces Honey Chèvre
  • 4 ounces Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream

In a food processor, add the sugar and pulse to remove any clumps. The chèvre and cream cheese need to be cold so take both out of the fridge and add it to the bowl. Process again until thoroughly combined. Last, add the cream, pulse again until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try this frosting on top of your chocolate Guinness cake.
